Hotelssuche :

  Zimmer: Erwachsenen: Kinder:

Wie zu buchen


Fill in the Search box

Simply choose the destination point, check-in, check-out dates, number of rooms, adults and children and total amount of guests in every room.

After pressing the button “Search” you’ll see a selection of hotels that can be sorted by indicated criteria.



Select a hotel

The next step is to select a hotel you interested in. You can sort the selection of hotels by stars, ascending and descending price. Also you may learn the hotel location on the map and see the whole list of services, photos and reviews.

Choose the room type

Then move on to selecting the room type where you can see photos and information and also price for room in different currencies.

Please be sure to check the booking conditions prior to making your booking!

Fill in the contact data


If you are not a member of Discover Ukraine club, you need to fill in the contact data that we need. We recommend to login for club members. After filling in the contact data box you’ll be redirected to the partner’s site (UPC) where you’ll charge for booking.